Yuki Lee
May 17, 20:43 in SoundGym Cafe
Hi, guys! How does the SPI work? I check it daily to track my progress, but does it make sense? Because I just found that there is a couple of games that I merely passed level 1 but better than over 50% users? How many levels in total for each games in general? I saw users have millions points of SPI, could people please kindly share how long it takes to get a Diamond Badge starting from zero? Thanks!
Cindy B
May 17, 21:06
Hi Yuki, That depends how many times you spend at the Soundgym Exercices per weeks, it took me 3 months making around 30 exercices per days. Keep going !
Yuki Lee
May 17, 19:27 in SoundGym Cafe
Does GuitarGym make sense to absolute beginners? Why I feel like those games are so hard to relate as a beginner? Also is there a hand-on game that you can earn GuitarCoin daily? The website sometimes works, sometimes not—like now, it is not working and I have to ask here. Thanks!
Lauris Marcenoks
May 17, 19:38
thanks for sharing.. didnt even know about it
Aga I
May 13 in SoundGym Cafe
Hey, guys! I was wondering, do you think about your motive when you create music? There is so much dark music out there, be it lyrics or beats that suggest into that. Lately I feel paralyzed to create new music because I don't want to tap into that subconscious pipe. And it happens without realising. I was wondering If you are aware of that? Or maybe you like dark music? Or do you make effort to create music that would drive you listeners closer to God?
Aga I
May 17, 16:00
@lauris I’m in the process of searching for new music and re establishing my taste in music. But I think it will be a very small niche.
You can call it devilish or dark it’s the same. Take any song from popular music nowadays, it will sing about fornication, shooting someone in the face, glorification of money, witchcraft (Taylor Swift) etc. Not like I was ever into popular music but it’s everywhere. In gym, cafes, on streets. Even most of the popular music from 60ies and onward is just channeled by dark. I highly recommend you watch the movie “They sold their souls for rock’n’roll” by Joe Schimmel. Opened my eyes.
Json Mondesir
May 17, 16:21
Aga I'm so glad you posted this because this has been all I've thought about for a long long time.

I've been crushed by how much the music industry is accepting darker/evil/depressing things to talk about in music. It really discouraged me from making music for a while.

But that's kinda how I came onto SoundGym because I realized how important it is if you have a vision message purpose from God and it's through music, you have to make it come to life as best as you can.

People who are talking about these darker things have the platform and the sound quality to do so. If we want to hear more music that is positive and uplifting we must build the same for us.

Producers, engineers musicians who all are not with the messaging of today's music have got to keep improving and creating things that allow people to hear something different, something more positive.

What genres have you looked into? I'm literally going through the same thing myself where I haven't been listening to as much music because of messaging. So far I've liked Ambient beats like breakcore and dnb for just chilling and house and jersey club music for instrumentals to write on. Still thinking there's much more to hear, but let me know!
Aga I
May 17, 16:54
@json Right now I can only listen to some instrumental music, some classical music and worship songs for God. I actually love worship songs for God. I myself am more into making instrumental music so I think over time I will figure everything out. Just need time to decompress. :)
SoundGym Hero: Analena Vater
Originally from Germany and now in Belgium, crafts original music, drawing inspiration from diverse experiences and a passion for traditional artisanal work.

@Analena Vater is this month's SoundGym Hero!

Meet Analena:
Really interesting, thank you for sharing this !
Analena Vater
May 17, 14:09
Thank you guys!
Json Mondesir
May 17, 16:23
this was a great read. super inspiring!
May 17, 08:55 in SoundGym Official
Congrats @Marcus Daffron for winning the Golden Ears Award!
Paul Schreiber
May 17, 15:45
Nice work!
Lio LM
May 17, 16:14
Congrats Marcus!
Json Mondesir
May 17, 16:22
tryna be like you in a few weeks
May 17, 10:32 in SoundGym Official
Congrats @KAM KAM for winning the Diamond Ears Award!
Eden Ekendahl
May 17, 15:59
Well done!
Lio LM
May 17, 16:14
Json Mondesir
May 17, 16:22
Congrats @Daníel Sigurðsson for winning the Diamond Ears Award!
Daníel Sigurðsson
May 17, 12:59
Thanks everyone!
Eden Ekendahl
May 17, 15:59
Good job!
Json Mondesir
May 17, 16:22

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