Music Spot: Fuji Gateway - Tuesdays, Am I Right?
From time to time, we shine the spotlight on a SoundGym member by reviewing one of their releases for our Music Spot feature.

This time around we are checking out @Steven Applegate recent single under his Fuji Gateway moniker; ‘Tuesdays, Am I Right?’.

Check it out:
Steven Applegate
May 08, 16:44
Thanks for the shout out!
Cuantas Vacas
May 09, 12:07
I am doing pretty well with soundgym overall. Getting better consistently in most areas. However, stereo image appears to be a total blind spot for me. I simply can't hear it and often get it completely wrong. Like I genuinely have no inkling and am simply guessing. And I have not improved in this regard at all. In other areas my hearing seems quite sophisticated though (silver ears, 85% percentile overall).

Does anyone else have this problem? Any suggestions? And, since others have asked - yes I am using headphones.
Julian Jelfs
May 08, 11:46
Thanks all - I will give it a go with monitors as well. I had thought that it would definitely be easier with headphones but maybe not for this one.
Sean d
May 09, 11:16
I second Fernando's comment,
and also speaker use (headphones exclusively send L to Left ear and R to right ear. This is different to speakers where sound from both channels is reflecting and bleeding to both ears - crosstalk)
legacyfrom3 .
May 09, 11:20
Hi !

In my case, before the exercise I straighten up and try to visualize the stereo field as a rectangular band in front of my head, then, and in most exercices, I close my eyes and listen very closely. I also try to set some reference points at 0,3 / 0,5 / 0,7 , when those are known, most of the time you'll achieve this kind of stereo exercises without any struggle, and so you'll be able to hear the stereo differences in any tracks !

You can also add a stereo exercise to your daily routine and do not stop it until you have gained a level in this exercise !
I hope it will help you !
btw i'm using beyerdynamics headphones and never got any problem
Yuki Lee
May 09, 03:30 in SoundGym Cafe
Ableton Self-learning
Hi, guys! Could someone please recommend some material for me about Ableton Live12? We are learning it in school in a couple of months, but I would like to start it a little bit earlier on my own due to my linguistic issue. I have looked up those high-rated books, but they are mostly for old Ableton versions. YouTube videos for learning things step-by-step does not function so well for me personally, either. Could someone please share some book list or references? Thanks! 💖
Kevin Henneigh
May 09, 05:11
Try the Ableton sight. They will have videos and reads about all the features in 12. I believe you can also download a trial version and just play with it and read the tutorials provided in the DAW.
emilio bire
May 09, 11:14
groove 3 ableton 12 explained send me a message
Congrats @Jimmy Moon for winning the Diamond Ears Award!
Richard Diaz
May 09, 02:13
Buena mijo!
Bud Maynard
May 09, 03:04
Great job!
Darryl Williams
May 09, 03:10
Hi guys and girls. I have a very naive and stupid question. After uploading a song to soundcloud I received a follower obviously a bot and several invitations most probably by bots making compliments an then asking me to click the link... Any way to get rid of that? Report or what do you do about that? Ignore?
Dylan Neal
May 09, 01:37
I think everyone gets those *Like* bots. I just ignore them. The links are for paid promotion deals (I know because I clicked on a couple of them), which you can also safely ignore. It all sucks but it's part of what we have to put up with on the internet these days.
Not a stupid question at all though. Feel good that you are uploading your own music and have fun!
Hey guys! Does anyone have any tips for Dr. Compressor??? I can't get past the 1st level even though on every other game I have completed multiple levels. Any tips on hearing compression better? Thank you!
Adi Riley
May 08, 21:45
Normally you can tell by which one has the most dynamic range. That would be the less compressed of the two.
Wagner DArts
May 08, 23:04
in this exercise, the compressor applied has a fast attack, so a tip is to choose the sound that is smoother. Pay attention to louder elements in the mix (kick drum, loud tom) as these are the ones triggering the compressor, then check which one is less aggressive - the smoother one is the compressed one.
Kristen (heypoppyseeds)
May 08, 23:37
Thank you everyone for these tips, I have been struggling with Dr. Compressor too. I've been doing much better with Compressionist with attack and release questions, but still struggle with ratio there too. I also think half of the time in Compressionist I am responding to overall timbre, and not focusing on attack or release, so I often wonder if I am doing it wrong.

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