Max Delalieu
Sep 20, 16:22 in SoundGym Cafe
Hey everyone, I'm on level 5 of the Reverb Wizard, and it's getting tough to distinguish between the 3 sounds. Sometimes it feels like absolutely none of them even have any reverb at all. Any tips on how to get past this? Appreciate it!
Max Delalieu
Sep 20, 16:54
Yes that's what I was thinking too. I'll try to focus more on that, thanks :)
jeremy Bitner
Sep 20, 17:02
Listen to the first loop a few times, and give your brain a chance to adjust and get a feel of what you’re hearing.
Then switch back and forth between 1 and 2. If you don’t notice a difference go back to 1 and readjust to it. Then switch 1 to 3. Any difference? If not switch back ad forth between two at a time. If you switch back and forth without it jacking with your ears they are most likely the same. Then you can double check by going to the one you think sounds different, and flip it back n forth to listen for differences.
But, it’s not easy. Some will be more obvious than others. And it Only gets more difficult. But it doesn’t seem “as hard” once you kind of develop your own way of approaching it. Keep at it I know how frustrating some of these games are. But, even the hardest games you Will get better at. Trust yourself, and cut yourself some slack. It’s not just easy. Not for me anyway Lol. Hope out of all this Some part of it was helpful. 🤘
Max Delalieu
Sep 20, 21:14
Thanks for the advice! I'll give this method a try, sounds promising!
Najaf Naqvi
Sep 20, 20:17 in SoundGym Cafe
First time Iron Ears Award!!!
SoundGym Hero: Michel Lafontaine
A lifelong musician and teacher who combines his passion for music with innovative technology, programming complex sounds with virtual instruments and creating MIDI controllers while inspiring others with his dedication to sound exploration and creativity.

@Michel Lafontaine is this month's SoundGym Hero!

Meet Michel:
Lio LM
Sep 20, 04:07
Congratulations on your devotion with such professionalism and passion! 💖⭐🌟⭐🌟⭐🌟⭐
Melwin Sarangue
Sep 20, 04:50
BIG CONGRATULATIONS to you!!! You are an inspiration to others.
elliot wilson-woodrow
Sep 20, 19:09
goat shit fr
Bryan B
Sep 20, 18:06 in SoundGym Cafe
Anyone else not getting their new ear badge. I've been above 50,000 SPI for a few days now, but haven't gotten my Silver Ears Award. Just wondered if anyone else is having this problem, or if they changed the cutoffs.
Kevin Koelzer
Sep 20, 18:51
Do all of the games in the daily workout and then collect your sound coins. I don't know why it's set up like that but it works
Hi, guys and girls. I have a question If you had to pick 5 of these games to practice which would you choose and why?
Kevin Koelzer
Sep 20, 15:26
Peak Master- Good for hearing what certain EQ sound like when boosted
Kit Cut- Good for hearing what a lack of certain EQ bands sounds like
Compressionist- Good for hearing attack and release settings and how it affects the audio
Distorted Reality- Good for mastering so you can hear if you're clipping your signal or not. Also good for recognizing saturation
EQ Mirror- Perfect for mixing with references. Being able to recognize the sonic spectrum and knowing what moves to make to match it is crucial for efficient workflow and avoids a lot of guesswork
Isaac Oliphant
Sep 20, 15:30
Hi Jon, the only issue with the idea of focusing on 5 games and trying to master those first and move on is that this skill isn't quite the same as a video game. Sure these are games made to make the task of training your ears easier and more enjoyable, but if you get a game to a certain level you're not done with it. You might come back to it less, but its not completed.
That being said, as long as you're still doing the traditional daily training it won't hurt to take a few of the games you're not doing so hot in and practice those a little extra. then as you get better with those identify some others you could grow in and focus on those for a bit. I would recommend against throwing yourself exclusively into a small amount of games for a large period of time though.
Steve Rinaldi
Sep 20, 15:56
Hi, Jon, a follow-on thought for you. Under your Account Settings/Training Preferences, turn on Smart Training. For me, it's done a good job of focusing the daily on my weaker areas. Sometimes it gets frustrating, but it's all about practice and consistency. Hope this helps and good luck!
Congrats @Reuben Jacobsen for winning the Golden Ears Award!
Darryl Williams
Sep 20, 02:54
Colin Aiken
Sep 20, 06:20
Michael Rösler
Sep 20, 11:21
cool 😎
Colin Hampson
Sep 20, 09:59 in SoundGym Cafe
How to Add app to home screen
Congrats @Raphael Slama for winning the Golden Ears Award!
Colin Aiken
Sep 19
Lio LM
Sep 20, 01:00
Congrats Raphael! 🌈
playboi carti
Congrats @William Fox for winning the Golden Ears Award!
Colin Aiken
Sep 19

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