Hey guys! Does anyone have any tips for Dr. Compressor??? I can't get past the 1st level even though on every other game I have completed multiple levels. Any tips on hearing compression better? Thank you!
Kristen (heypoppyseeds)
May 08, 23:37
Thank you everyone for these tips, I have been struggling with Dr. Compressor too. I've been doing much better with Compressionist with attack and release questions, but still struggle with ratio there too. I also think half of the time in Compressionist I am responding to overall timbre, and not focusing on attack or release, so I often wonder if I am doing it wrong.
Ryan McMaster
May 09, 23:03
Thanks for all the tips I just beat level one for the first time 😃
Paul Vincent
May 09, 23:41
At higher levels you need to listen for both the hit of the transients (mostly kicks and snares) but also listen for the low end coming up from the ride cymbals.
Francesco Minotti
May 09, 20:52 in SoundGym Cafe
I just reached level 46 at Delay Control and I'm better than 99.9% of users at this game.
Just wondering who's at higher levels? It becomes really really hard at this point!
Ryan McMaster
May 09, 22:35
What is the difference in delay that you have to hear at that level? I am around level 10 and have to hear differences between 20 and 40 ms.
Francesco Minotti
May 09, 23:24
between 1.25 and 2 ms 😅
Paul Vincent
May 09, 23:37
I fold, I'm only better than 99.09% of users at this game at at level 24 (I'm a slacker)...
Respectful request
Dear Soundgym

I have been studying with you for several years and I thank you for everything you have allowed me to learn. However, I think there is something you have been stuck on and it is vitally important for those of us who are interested in producing music, and that is COMPRESSOR exercises.
I have not been able to understand the dynamics of any exercise, the sounds are uncomfortable and so far I think I have not learned enough compared to the other exercises.

Please, it's time to improve that
Richard Diaz
May 09, 15:29
Cindy B
May 09, 16:06
Robert Skelton
May 09, 22:24
lol. I told my wife to ask the mechanic to check the blinker fluid.... and she did. Then went on public radio to relay the story under, most embarrassing moments. She got me back, but I don't tell that story.
Congrats @Jimmy Moon for winning the Diamond Ears Award!
Richard Fouchaux
May 09, 18:17
Congrats, Jimmy! Way to go! See you back in Skool
Helmut Mair
May 09, 18:20
Patrick Nicholas
May 09, 20:13
Double props at you @jimmy!!!

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