Hey to all music producers. I just finished, my first serious production and music composition. it's a Heartbreak Ballad, recorded in my little home studio. I hope to get all the critical feedback from You. Thanks for everyone to checking the track.

Łukasz Białek
Feb 14, 10:21
Thank You for Your feedback. I will try to consider next time when I produce a song.
Matthias K.
Feb 14, 11:02
Hey there, cool song! Piano needs more lows, maybe put an octave in. coming from the bass intro, there's frequencies missing now.
And as Max suggested the vocal could be mono at times, especially in verses. Groove doesn't sound tight, I would add some warping / quantisation here and there, if you like to keep it human do it manually, but it's swimming a bit too much:)

Also vocal could have more reverb! I'm sure you can make it all work! Hopefully you can post an update soon

2:26 is great by the way, drum fill then guitar solo. Nice!
Dylan Neal
Feb 14, 23:33
Hi Łukasz, this song is very nice! I am not a fan of this genre normally, but I listened to the end of the song because it is good.
I only have two things to say about it:

1. The natural feel of this song is really good. I do not agree with quantising the drums, they sound way better with this slightly imperfect timing. In this case, the emotion of the song is served much better by the loose feel. Thank you for keeping it natural!

2. Even though the loose feel is great throughout the rest of the song, the timing of the guitar part which starts at 1:03 is not good. It ruins the flow of the song because it sounds out of time with everything else. Elements in your song can all have loose timing, as long as they are all basically in time with each other!
Therefore, I suggest that you re-record that guitar part.
Or you could spend hours and hours trying to manually quantise it to perfection while still trying to sound human... when you could just spend 10 minutes re-recording it :)

One more thing after listening to this song a second time, Matthias could be right about the piano needing more low frequencies.

Great work overall!
Congrats @Matthias K. for winning the Golden Ears Award!
Paul Schreiber
Feb 14, 14:24
Way to go, Matthias!
Emanuel Hills
Feb 14, 19:05
Anthony Zambonini
Feb 14, 19:45
Congrats @Isaac Oliphant for winning the Diamond Ears Award!
Paul Schreiber
Feb 14, 14:23
Incredible Isaac, see you around!
Emanuel Hills
Feb 14, 19:05
Anthony Zambonini
Feb 14, 19:44

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