Everything sound & ear training related


Bilal Geçer
Apr 25
Hello People,

I am 26 years old and I can't hear above 12k hertz . Should I be concerned and take action?

And I would be glad if there are any tips to improve my ear health.
Pat Rector
Apr 25
Man first of all, I'm sorry that must be very frustrating. Unfortunately there's no real cure for hearing loss at this point in time. The number one thing I would recommend wearing hearing protection in any noisy environment; I'll even pop in my earplugs during certain movies. I've found that Earasers are good over-the-counter ones, and they even make carrying cases for them that can attach to your keys.

Basically, protect what hearing you do have, but don't worry too much as everyone will likely experience some hearing loss over time!
Que tal hermano ,tranquilo todo deberia estar bien, las personas promedialmente escuchamos hasta 16khz, a pesar de que el rango audible es hasta 20khz.
Y la mayor parte de los masters de musica si los analizas a los 14khz ta cortan. Concentrate en dejar sonando lo mejor que puedas en el rango que oyes bien, manten una mezcla plana en la parte de los brillos, y a partir de 16 khz corta. Hay generos modernos que claramente usan todo el espectro, de todas formas es muy probable que suenes muy bien si practicas mucho lo que te digo. Un saludo desde uruguay