Everything sound & ear training related


Melissa C
Jan 27, 2023
Hi Everyone!

Was hoping to get some insight on this - I reached level 6 of Distorted Reality and was having no trouble. Once I got to stage 11 though, I couldn't figure out what to listen for in order to select the more distorted signal. Originally I noticed the distorted ones were typically louder and had some added frequencies but once I got to stage 11, the louder signal was not the most distorted. Same with stage 12. I put the right answers because I just knew it wasn't the louder ones since I kept getting it wrong at the same point every time I played that level. I can't figure out what to listen for. Any insight would help - thanks! :)
Ven Ivanov
Jan 27, 2023

When I was starting with Distorted Reality I too thought that the distorted one is always a bit louder, but that's not the case. Sometime it's actually quieter and this fooled me many time in the beginning.

To my experience the distortion applied is sometimes broadband and sometime more focused in specific frequency. Stages 11 and 12 are increasingly harder so you gotta try to listen each frequency band separately. This will help you hear and discern frequency content added by the distortion so you'll know which one is the distorted one.

Now this one may sound odd, but try to focus on how exactly your ears feel when listening to those two sounds. It's hard to explain, but to me distorted signals always give me the sense as if my blood pressure is high and feel tension in my head. Maybe this is very subjective and I can't really put it into words, but that's just my thoughts. I hope this helps!
Beto Ojeda
Jan 27, 2023
This video has good info! The more distorted sound always has an increase in the high frequencies... try to focus on this. Looking for different sounds where there is a larger frequency spectrum helps a lot!

Denis Divers
Jan 27, 2023
Try to discard louder. That is going to throw you off because there is no consistency in that. Really try to listen to the distortion. I notice that I listen to different elements in the different songs, but always to the same in those particular songs. I often pick out the distortion in the low end (so make sure you have good studio monitors of good headphones), or in the hi hats. I hope this helps.
Melissa C
Jan 27, 2023
Thank you all so much! This is all really helpful. Will attempt to figure it out in these ways moving forward!