Everything sound & ear training related


Max Mus
Jun 30, 2022
Does anyone here hate modern mixing and mastering for smartphones?
Ruben V
Jun 30, 2022
Isn't that just paying attention to having a good mid range and mono compatibility? Or are you saying people are mixing and mastering specifically for phones? Because if that's the case, I'm out of this business. :D
Demetrius Rivas
Jun 30, 2022
Yes Ruben , unfortunately , ive see that one often . Thankfully , not from serious pros (as much 0.0
Sin Nias
Jun 30, 2022
yeah the majority of people hear over bad equipment like phone speaker or 10 euro in ear so it makes sense to check your mix also in this kind of Environment
Felipe Berto
Jul 01, 2022
Max Mus
Jul 05, 2022
Briefly, I'm talking about overhyped highs and high mids.
Tonton McTonton
Jul 05, 2022
I grew up listening on shitty headphones and a worn out tape in a worn out walkman but it never killed my love for music.. a good track will always win out.. and a good mix will sound good on anything.. I don't believe anyone is mixing for shitty speakers except the their mixes are getting better at sounding good everywhere.. we should see it as a challenge.. or we should mix for our genre - I mean who is gonna be listening to MBV on a phone speaker