Everything sound & ear training related


Jakob Dahlblom
Oct 18, 2021
So I've done 432 games and I have an SPI of 7494. Is anybody slower than me or do I need to get my ears checked?
Robert Soma-Lewis
Oct 18, 2021
just take your time! the scores do not increase linearly, and they don't really matter in the end :)
Jakob Dahlblom
Oct 18, 2021
Thanks @Robert Soma-Lewis! It's just discouraging to keep failing games under level 10, and I'm starting to doubt whether I'll be able to get to a level where I can actually hear the subtle changes needed to mix properly. I'll keep at it though and hopefully it'll "click" eventually.
Colin Aiken
Oct 19, 2021
It takes time. Don't compare yourself to others.
Just Mike
Oct 19, 2021
LoL😂… Perseverance!!