Everything sound & ear training related


Paul Kutcher
May 22
I am new to SoundGym. Should I train using my hearing aids or without them? I am 62 and have notable hearing loss in the upper register that my audiologist says is due to damage so is not coming back. As I understand SG is about ear training and not hearing recovery, it makes sense to me to train WITH them - to be able to actually hear the sounds in order to identify them - but I thought I'd see what others have to say. Thx.
Dave Crum
May 22
I need to get them as well, and I plan to train with them. If I'm going to be wearing them when I'm tracking or mixing, then I want to train with them too. I'm looking forward to finally being able to hear what I'm missing. For example, in some of the games, if I don't hear any difference in EQ, I just guess that it's in the upper register that I can't hear, and I'll get it correct! It's a cheat, but I'd like to hear what that sounds like!
Paul Kutcher
May 22
Thanks Dave, I think we're on the same wavelength (at least, the ones we can hear)! They are a complete game-changer (no, life-changer!) and I wish you well. It's so wonderful to be able to hear conversations accurately again, not to mention the nuances of music, nature, heck even the TV! Mine cost $6G but are completely worth it. Not a cheat, just reality, like when we first have to start wearing glasses to read. (Although, my diminishing eyesight is just age, while hearing damage was caused by a youth filled with construction equipment, farm machinery, high-powered rifles, and of course loud music - all long before hearing protection was a serious thing.) Give yourself several months to get used to them. A good audiologist with break you in slowly. Peace!