Everything sound & ear training related


Elaine Reiß
Nov 25, 2022
hello there ^^ I am new here and want to get better in sound design for our student game project in school.
unfortunally we did't learn there how to make music with somethingelse than adobe audition :(
hope I can get better when I learn extra hard💪

Have a nice day you all!
Colin Aiken
Nov 26, 2022
Good luck!!
Kristian T
Nov 26, 2022
Hello! You can try participating in the sound design course, i bet that you can find it helpful. Good luck and have a nice day!
Cuantas Vacas
Nov 26, 2022
Welcome. Elaine! Take a good look around the site, find those resources that might help you and feel free to ask the community whenever you need to!