Everything sound & ear training related


Deleted User
Oct 01, 2022
Does anyone else think sound gym should offer more articles specifically targeted at how to improve in the games, as in giving you a breakdown of what you should be looking out for and why? I appreciate that there are articles on the website, but it's a little disjointed, IMO. To give an example of what I mean, take Reverb Wizard. If there were an accompanying article that breaks down what a well-trained ear can hear between two similar reverb sounds, in terms of pre-delay, decay times, dry reverb/early reflections, and what have you - that sort of stuff would be really helpful, I think. While some games do have an extra help area where you can warm up before the game - and this is great - the warm-up area is kind of the game, more or less, but with no stakes.
Udo Keimig
Oct 01, 2022
I am not sure I understand you correctly ... maybe you are missing the vision how it should sound?
Kevin Koelzer
Oct 01, 2022
I agree that there should be a guide of sorts or some examples of settings so that way you can better understand what happens in some of the games. Even though most of the games are straightforward in how you play them, a little extra information about what it is you're doing never hurts
Andy Laverdiere
Oct 01, 2022
Critical and objective listening is an acquired skillset. It's not easy without mentoring. All the articles and YouTube videos in the world will not help you because you can not engage real-time with them. What they state may just raise more questions because questions beget questions.

You can be born with exceptional ears and perfect pitch that will put you above the pack to make understanding critical and objective listening easier but without actual mentoring, it's a more difficult and longer learning curve and does not mean the habits you are developing are good ones without that proper guidance because you don't know what you don't know.

There are programs that provide the guidance you seek that challenge you through exercises and your own music that you bring to a mentor or a group for critical feedback and more in-depth back and forth live engagement about what you've done, how to better understand things like reverb pre-delay and decay times, compression and everything else.

But aside from what I've stated above, it all begins with your listening environment. If it has not been properly set up and acoustically treated, you are surely shoveling it against the tide! Again, you make whatever audio task your doing more arduous and your ears fatigue quickly.
Romano G
Oct 01, 2022
Art For
Oct 01, 2022
Thank you, Romano, for the link!
I agree with Neil and I think that I really would appreciate the option to always check my results/mistakes with the right answer and this is not always possible, making the exercises less useful...
Colin Aiken
Oct 02, 2022
Cheers to @Romano G !
Romano G
Oct 02, 2022
@Art For Do you about the compare answer feature? For those that don't , You can press the “C” key immediately after selecting your answers (right or wrong) so you can hear and compare the differance between them.

The C key works for EQ Knight, Dr. Compressor, DB King, Filter Expert, Delay Control, Distorted Reality &Reverb Wizard , very helpful indeed

You have about 2~3 seconds to press (not hold) the C key after answering (if its already advanced to next question, you missed it). You can also use the arrow keys to select between the samples, press C again to continue with game.
Art For
Nov 19, 2022
@Romano G thank you for the advice, I'd completely missed it! Sorry for delay...
li lac
Nov 21, 2022
@Romano G wow i didnt know about this feature up til now, thanks for that man. did soundgym said about it anywhere tho? cause i cant seem to find it in the website
Nov 22, 2022
Springs, plates, halls, etc...