Everything sound & ear training related


Danny van Willigen
Jan 25, 2023
I am a sore loser, but I think it is a bit too harsh when you give a wrong answer you lose a life AND you get set back a level. Why both and not just one of them? The level before the wrong answered one was correct after all so why should you redo that? #rantdisable
Kevin Koelzer
Jan 25, 2023
Yeah no that feature always bothered me too. I do so well then get up to the end and start missing some questions and then I'm no where near leveling up
shay sun
Jan 26, 2023
thats for making u be very concetrate and consider and patiant before u ansewring and thats how u learn good
Bram Hendrix
Jan 26, 2023
I've found that when I really get to the limits of my ears, I keep getting stuck at exactly the same points within levels (like 7/12). When I really can't seem to hear what's right at a certain point, I think it helps to go back to the point which is just within my current capabilities. That way, my ears can adjust to the increased requirements without me just feeling like I can't hear anything.
I do feel like this helps my ears to progress.
When you just get one wrong without being in that zone, it does feel frustrating though, I certainly agree with that.
Danny van Willigen
Jan 28, 2023
@Bram Hendrix wow that actually makes a lot of sense, I think I can agree with that!