Everything sound & ear training related


Matt Middleton
Sep 24, 2021
Hey guys, just finished this song and would love some feedback on the mix. I'm new to the recording/mixing game, but I'm looking to grow quick, so don't hold back! Thanks!

Raymond RUTJES
Sep 29, 2021

1.45 add some shimmer & ear candy.
2.09 the piano sounds out of tune

Overall I'm not a huge fan of the timbre of the piano on the left, it sounds a bit to "nasal".
I'm not liking to much either the strings/synths, they sound a bit muffle, rubberish.
The balances are about right, at least the vocal always stays nice and audible. Sometimes the guitar is fighting a tiny bit with the higher end of the vocal but it's OK.

In the second part the right guitar has a little too much low end on the right.

Even though everything sounds balanced and good harmonically speaking, I find that I'm missing some sparklings here and there. I would try to make everything more unique in each part of the song, which is quite a task given the length of the song. Have you considered maybe starting with a shorter song and focus more on dynamics, making some parts softer others stronger. I can hear a lot of potential opportunities for backing vocals, drums, cymbals here and there, a bass guitar maybe and cut all the mud on the guitar. I would try to really differentiate the chorus sonically from the rest. Very often you can multi-track vocals and other instruments and change the processing. For example go with bigger reverbs and / or wider stereo image.

Don't forget music is subjective, those are only a few feedbacks after 2 listen throughs, let me know what you think and if it is useful.
Matt Middleton
Sep 29, 2021
Thanks for the feedback Raymond! Really appreciate you taking the time to listen through TWICE! So, couple of questions:

- I agree about the lack of sparkle, but I was having a tough time keeping out the harshness of the high end when trying to get that sparkle. Suggestions on how to combat this?
- Regarding piano being "nasally," do you think it needs more clarity and sharpness?

Great advice on making parts more unique. Also, there are a few recording techniques I'm going to try differently next time that will hopefully help, especially with the mud.

This was SUPER helpful, thanks again!
Aaron Calhoun
Sep 29, 2021
Quick suggestions: the guitar and piano need to be pitch corrected. The B string is out of tune on the guitar and the piano seems off too. Add compression to all of the instruments to help control the dynamics. you don't have to go crazy with it, just enough to level out the performances. Beware the string synths! They can gobble up a lot of frequencies and reduce the clarity of other instruments. Perhaps some dynamic EQ would help when the synth is in play.
Matt Middleton
Sep 30, 2021
Thanks Aaron! I noticed the guitar too...poor splanning on my part. Piano is a MIDI keyboard- not sure what to do about that. The guitar being out of tune might be making the piano sound off as well.

Good suggestion on the strings. I was worried about them taking up too much frequency space - looks like I was right to be concerned. I'll try a dynamic EQ and see if it helps.

Going with "less is more" on the next project for sure. Thanks again!