Everything sound & ear training related


Pierre James
Apr 18
EQ Cuts - I feel I just A/B and listen for what was boosted as I turn it off so I'm not sure I'm learning how to hear cuts on their own. Any tips from the guys that have been doing this for a while for how to get better at hearing cuts without gaming it by A/Bing so you're really just hearing the boost in reverse?
E G30
Apr 18
Instead of thinking about it as a way of trying to identify cuts, I think of it as training your referencing ability. You can find what frequencies you're missing compared to your reference fairly quickly that way.

So I'd say don't worry about seeing the A/B as cheating, because every track is different and what's considered a cut in one track might be considered a boost in another.

Anyways, I hope that's helpful!
Pierre James
Apr 19
Thank you E G30