Everything sound & ear training related


Alexander Hettich
Sep 28, 2022
Having a lot of trouble finding the location of the sound in stereohead, any tips tricks or advice anyone can offer?
When I'm in the practice mode I can go through the entire stereo pan and can hear the different pans but if I'm playing the game, I'm guessing 90% of the time.
Nk Fur
Sep 28, 2022
I'm struggling with this one also and the pangirl game.
Randy Kaelber
Sep 29, 2022
My challenge is that I've damaged the hearing in my right ear. If it sounds balanced to me it's because it's probably about 30% right! Too many hours stage left near the drummer without hearing protection in the 1980s and 90s and I'm paying the price now! Protect your ears, folks!
Andy Laverdiere
Sep 30, 2022
I have tinnitus pretty good in my left ear and started off horribly in both exercises. The mastering community I am a member of highly recommends Soundgym and to hit it daily no less than half an hour, do each exercise multiple times and do the exercises you struggle at even more. I watch my score in these exercises go from horrible to 91% with this approach.

Reading Randy's post, man, I sympathize with you and the approach I describe may not do it for you depending on the severity of your hearing loss. But if this has not been your approach, give it a try and see if it helps. It's frustrating but at some point, it just started to click and my accuracy drastically improved and I have to think it is because my brain started to compensate.

I can still pick out things easier than people with better hearing mostly because of my audio background and now because of my daily Soundgym routine.

I wish you the best!!
Randy Kaelber
Sep 30, 2022
Yeah, I'm pretty new here, and as a sound engineer I am merely in the avid amateur category but I've been trying to do things here every day lately. I can hear it already helping me and I'm learning tricks to compensate for the physical loss.

I'm glad I was told about this place. I've been starting to just come out of my shell now and I've found people to be really cool and friendly here. Glad I splurged on the premium!
Anthony Postman
Sep 30, 2022
I find that listening position is really important for StereoHead; especially that you have a really good awareness of where your center point is. From there, I can sometimes move my head from side-to-side a bit to track the stereo spread...

I use Sonarworks, and found that the Linear Phase setting also helped to true my stereo stage a bit.

I'm fascinated by the way different instruments and voices spread into the stereo field! Horns and distorted guitars can be hard to nail sometimes. As @Andy Laverdiere stated above, daily practice really helps tremendously—it's the best way to develop our acuity in all manners of what we're hearing...But even so, I will totally miss sometimes, thinking the near-spread is far, and the far-spread is near. (I'm in the 75th percentile, and gettin' better everytime I practice—keep it up! You'll improve—and get to know your monitors really well in the process!)
Andy Laverdiere
Sep 30, 2022
Hey Anthony! Nice to find you here as well as in TRE! Keep hammering, brotha!👍
Andy Laverdiere
Sep 30, 2022
That's it, Randy! A rising tide raises all boats as the saying goes. You have the background so you'll get over that hump! Stay strong!! 💪
Janice McWilliams
Sep 30, 2022
hi guys! can't wait til my room is finished, and I don't have to alwasys use headphones.
Andy Laverdiere
Sep 30, 2022
How's the room coming along, Janice?
Janice McWilliams
Sep 30, 2022
Hi Alexander, I don't know if this would help, but I on the practice mode I go between .2 back to 0 over and over again. I am trying to FEEl the sound location. I also locate with my finger (touching my face)where I FEEL the sound at and watch the meter, to gauge the stereo image. If you are a kinesthetic learner( feeling based) this may help!
Jadon Powell
Sep 30, 2022
This has always been one of my favorite games. What helped me get better was blocking one of my ears or moving closer to my left or right moniter. Then to start challenging yourself sit upright and try to feel it out based on the result of the last answer. If the last answer was at .7 to the left and the next sample you hear sounds pretty left leaning as well, float around there. sorry, Im sure other people have already given you this info