Everything sound & ear training related


stephane trepanier
Nov 20, 2021
Warning! This statement is biased, inaccurate and self-serving.


After two years of SoundGym:

Same source tracks (session).
Disclaimer: This post is in no way endorsed by SoundGym and is totally a self-promotion stunt. But still, it’s true!
stephane trepanier
Nov 20, 2021
Feel free to shred both mixes apart. I will not get offended. I'm still learning ;)
stephane trepanier
Nov 20, 2021
@Tobias Lütge Interesting perspective!
Reggie Yang
Nov 20, 2021
Congrats!! The second version for me is definitely much better. It's cleaner and well-balanced. Great work. Keep it up!
Ritchie Kordecki
Nov 20, 2021
The second is a great jump from the first, which was already decent to my ear. It's much more glued together, for want of a bette phrase - and less harsh in the highs! Great stuff.
stephane trepanier
Nov 22, 2021
@Andrei Ghebaru I found the lead breaks 1:39 were taking focus away from the "vocals." In hindsight, I could have kept them and tucked them out of the way. Oh well, I make decisions, sometimes good, sometimes not so good ;)

@Tobias Lütge Your perspective is not wrong! I believe we're getting into the personal taste (which no one can dispute) VS technicality (which sometimes takes away from the "Art").

Thanks everyone for the feedback. I appreciate it. Cheers!