Everything sound & ear training related


Cayden Mackney
Aug 08, 2022
Hey all, Just had a quick question about the order of how you all apply reverb and delay.

Throughout my time mixing I've always gone back and fourth with using delay first then reverb (On sends of course) however currently I'm applying reverb then delay just wondering if anyone has a different approach and there methodology because I always end up going round in circles on which one to apply first and I'm not sure which process I should apply first? Any information would be greatly appreciated. :D
Domas Astrauskas
Aug 08, 2022
If it sounds good, then use it how ever you want :)
Jon Bosaw
Aug 08, 2022
If you are running them parallel (sends to a effect track) instead of running one effect into the other, the order doesn't matter. If you are running them from one into the other like guitar pedals where you wire it so that the first pedal is effected by the next then the order does effect the sound. Many reverbs have a pre-delay which is to give you a reflection (wall) to dimensions to the reverb. When using effects on sends and return channels you can have delay which isn't in the reverb and visa versa. This is the long answer for - do what sounds best to you for the song.