Everything sound & ear training related


Hello Everyone, recently I uploaded a Beat on my YT channel and I realized while listening to it on my Apple EarPhones, that during the section with the sub bass and the halftimed drums I hear a sort of crackling in the background. Is that related to my Mix or my EarPhones? I really would like to receive a clear answer of what that could be, because sometimes these things destroy my creativity. Thanks in advance for the eventual answears!! (Forgot to say that I EQed my Drums a little to make them not clash with the Sub Bass)
Is the crackling repeatable? If you listen several times inside a brief section of the song, you should be able to pick up if the crackling is ‘baked’ in, or just random phenomena.
actually, I only hear it every time there is the section with the halftimed drums and the sub bass. Otherwise I don't hear it in other sections of the track
It has happened to me when I have too much low end in my mix. The monitors can handle it but once I try it on my phone or some other system with tiny drivers, they can develop a sort of crackle distortion because the little speaker just can't hang with a bunch of content below 100hz or so. It is possible you have a dip somewhere in your monitoring environment that is causing you to add too much low end, have you measured it?
Gelify Techno
Apr 19
Provide a link to your track and I'll try to figure out what's the issue !
actually, I don't mix with monitors because I do all my mixes into headphones since I can't really afford some nice monitors to mix yet, but I suppose that you're correct since listening to my track with other headphones removed the crackling in the background. (Answering the second comment). Anyways if you guys wanna have a listen in case the crackling comes from anything else here it is the link to the track:
Pau Esteve
Apr 20
Maximizer maybe?
Matix _
Apr 20
dope beat man - I don't hear any crackling