Everything related to SoundGym BeatRace


E Zorgman
Apr 18
Hi, I'm trying to practice for the Beatrice on my own however there is no sound to reference or to try and match a beat. When I go to my normal workouts there is sound, only BeatRace practice doesn't give me any sound. Double check that I do have sound on in the game/practice area so what is the next step ?
Paul Gilbody
Apr 18
Are you on 'recreate' or 'original'? 'recreate' is silent until you add to the grid. If it's not that, then not sure.
E Zorgman
Apr 19
Paul, it's the normal BeatRace practice area. I doesn't state anything with recreate or original.
E Zorgman
Apr 19
Paul Gilbody
Apr 19
E Zorgman
Apr 19
Yes this shows, I have a little less time actually on my game. The volume to the right bottom is on 100, all this shows and I can also switch between original and recreate... only no sound no matter what I do.